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Benny-Scraper Classes

In-depth documentation of the classes within Benny-Scraper, ordered by their sequence in the application’s execution.

Table of Contents

  1. Program.cs
  2. NovelProcessor
  3. Class 2
    • …other classes…


The starting point of the application. Manages command-line options, database connections, and service registration.


Name Type Description
Logger NLog.Logger Static logger for the class, used for logging messages throughout the application.
Container IContainer The dependency injection container that manages the lifetime of services used by the application.
AreYouSure string A constant message prompt used for confirmation dialogs within the application.
Configuration IConfiguration Holds the configuration settings loaded from appsettings.json or other configuration sources.


Name Parameters Return Type Description
Main string[] args void The entry point of the application.
DeleteOldLogs None void Deletes logs older than 5 days. Creates log folder if not present. Logs stored in /bennyscraper/logs.
SetupLogger LogLevel logLevel void Configures log creation and output format. Determines runtime log level (default is LogLevel.Info).
BuildConfiguration None IConfigurationRoot Loads configuration from appsettings.json for application services.
ConfigureServices ContainerBuilder builder void Registers dependencies and serializes NovelScraperSettings for site scraping. Sets lifetimes of dependencies.


Handles the adding or updating of novels, makes use of appropriate services to store the novels to the database.


(Table of properties)


(Table of methods)

Class 2

(Continue in similar format for each class)

… (and so on for each class)